How long is therapy?

No two people are the same so we believe therapy shouldn’t be the same for everyone. Therapy can be as little as 3 months with a session every 1-2 weeks or as long as a year, dependent on progress and the severity of the orofacial disorder. Therapy for adults is more educational and designed to provide the tools to continue at home for reinforcement.

Is therapy hard?

The short answer-yes. Progression based therapy can sometimes be difficult in the beginning. Like a lot of physical programs, you may start to use muscle that haven’t been active for a long time so the first few weeks may be tender, but should resolve. If you don’t’ do the assigned work, therapy will take longer as you won’t progress as well.

Do I have to do each exercise?

Therapy only works with the exercises as combined by your therapist. If you only do your favourite ones, you will not progress.

How much is therapy and do I pay for it all at once?

As therapy is different for everyone, your program will have an intensive phase, a maintenance phase and a habituation phase. We ask that the intensive phase be paid for in full prior to beginning therapy to ensure your commitment to the program. The cost of one session is currently $150 and approximately 45 minutes. An intensive phase may be 3-6 sessions.

Does my insurance cover it?

Your insurance policy agreement is between you and your insurance provider. As a result, we do not accept payment from your insurance carrier on your behalf. We are happy to process your claims electronically to simplify and speed up the reimbursement process. Myofunctional therapy is more commonly covered for children than adults.

Do you do online therapy?

Your initial assessment and first appointment must be done in person. During the Covid 19 pandemic many therapists offered therapy online and many still do. Joe did 2 assessments online and didn’t do any more after that during the closures. The quality of his assessment was severely diminished doing a virtual assessment. Subsequent appointments may be scheduled virtually. All post operative appointments are done in person.

Does everyone need a tongue tie release?

Not everyone with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders needs a tissue release or frenectomy, but everyone who has a frenectomy needs myofunctional therapy before and after a tissue release.